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What is Email Marketing, And What Types of Campaigns Can We Create?

Email Marketing is one of the most effective digital tools we have to build loyalty and generate conversions. However, to see this reflected in your business numbers, it is essential to know and use the different types of campaigns to help you achieve other objectives.

Contrary to what many people think, this technique is not just about sending a newsletter to all your subscriber lists. If you are looking to achieve a genuinely loyal Database and generate recurring customers with Email Marketing, you must think well what your goals are and how you plan to achieve them.

Are you looking to increase traffic on your website or blog? Loyalty to your Contact Base? Generate conversions?. The reasons can be very varied, and, at the same time, you may have many goals to meet throughout the year.

Know what Email Marketing is and what are the different types of campaigns that can help you achieve other objectives if you use them correctly. Therefore, before looking at the types of campaigns we have to cover various objectives, let’s start at the base:

What is Email Marketing?

Email Marketing is a technique of online communication and directs with our users, by which we use email to interact with our target audience or attract and retain potential customers.

To optimize this communication via email, it is essential to make a good segmentation; thus, the content will be better adapted to each person or consumer, and therefore we achieve a more generous opening of our emails.

Types of Email Marketing Campaigns

This technique to send communications by emails is not invasive since the user has first agreed to receive these emails, and we are also sending more personalized content.

6 Types of Campaigns that you should apply in your Email Marketing strategy

These are the main types of campaigns that you can carry out if you want to have a solid strategy in line with your brand’s objectives:

1. Newsletter

It is, perhaps, one of the most used shipments by all brands. It is the newsletter that helps us send the latest news from our company or the sector. How often you deliver these pieces to your subscribers will depend on your ability to generate relevant content.

There are two fundamental aspects to consider here. The first is that the basis of any Email Marketing strategy is to offer quality content of interest to the reader. Therefore, before choosing how often you will send your newsletters, think about how much exciting content you can generate at that time.

The other is that once you determine that frequency (generally, it is every 15 or 30 days), you hold it. Your subscribers will get used to receiving your emails every so often, and it is not acceptable to disappoint them.

The newsletters serve to keep us present in our subscribers’ minds, build loyalty, bring traffic to our website or blog, and, indirectly, sometimes, this ends up triggering new conversions.

Promotional Email Marketing Campaigns

2. Promotional Campaigns

These shipments are almost exclusively intended to generate sales. You can include promotions, offers and special discounts on them. They are also useful for disseminating new products or remaining in stock, and you need to sell.

Generally, a beautiful HTML format is used because it is a commercial piece. In turn, all the elements that make up the Email must be oriented towards conversion.

You will have to be creative and find the Calls to Action that best capture your subscribers’ attention, a compelling copy, attractive images that persuade, and social buttons so that your subscribers can visualize the content and thus multiply your audience.

3. Seasonal Campaigns

There are specific dates when your users are more predisposed than ever to receive offers and promotions. You can’t miss these opportunities! Christmas is one of them; another may be Black Friday, Cyber ​​Monday, or Valentine’s Day.

There are times that these dates will be a perfect option to sell, and there are others that not. For example, if your business is the sale of televisions, you may not have anything wise to offer at Easter.

It is your opportunity to build loyalty.

Send your subscribers a warm greeting, something original, and that empathizes with their emotions. Also, choose a Subject that stands out in the inbox because, on those dates, all brands try to reach out with powerful emails.

As you can see, this type of campaign can serve you both to increase your billing and to build loyalty in your contact base and generate solid links that last over time.

Email Marketing strategy

4. Information Campaigns

These shipments are used to publicize certain news to your subscribers.

  • Have you launched a new Blog?
  • Has your site been redesigned?
  • Have you already published a new section?

This type of Email Marketing campaign is what you need to communicate with your subscribers. They are emails that are sent eventually and for a particular reason.

In this case, the main objective is to inform, but it also serves to position the brand (presence in the subscriber) and maintain a more fluid contact with him.

5. Automation Campaigns

The automation Emails Allow us to set up once a campaign or a series of shipments, to be activated when a certainly fulfilled trigger (trigger).

This can be a birth date, a subscription to a list, the opening of an email in a previously sent campaign, or a click on a specific link.

It is a very efficient way to reach all your subscribers, with messages one by one, at the moment indicating and saving a significant number of resources, time, and money.

Oh, and it’s worth the clarification, you should not incur extra expenses or be a marketing or IT expert. That is, if you are an entrepreneur or are just starting with your Email Marketing strategy, go ahead and try this functionality, and you will see how easy and accessible it is.

Within the automated emails, we find different types, which help us achieve various objectives:

List subscription automation: You can schedule a series of automatic submissions to welcome your new subscribers. It is an excellent resource to strengthen the bond with your potential client from the first moment.

Automation by scheduled dates: It is used to send campaigns automatically on a specific date, such as your subscribers’ birthdays or the expiration of an invoice.

RSS automation: It is about choosing a frequency so that all the subscribers of a specific list receive the updates of the lat St posts on your blog or news site. In this case, the objective would be the brand positioning and the increase in Blog traffic.

Automation by behavior in previous campaigns: With this functionality, you can schedule the sending of individual Emails, according to the actions your subscribers carry out in the movements and the interests that they show.

Perhaps it is one of the most versatile types since you can use it in different stages of the Customer Journey, accelerate the conversion in an advanced stage, and send relevant content to each subscriber in an initial phase of lead cultivation.

Automation Email Campaigns

6. Transactional Emails

In this case, it is not about campaigns. They are Emails that are automatically triggered after the action of a user on a website or blog. For example, someone who needs to recover their password or a customer receives an order confirmation after buying from an eCommerce.

The Emails Transactional is a very particular type of shipment because it is crucial information to the recipient. For this reason, it is essential to make sure that the mail arrives immediately, that it does not fall into the spam box and that it accompanies the brand’s branding.

Mostly, the objective of these emails is to accompany users throughout the life cycle, through the different transactions carried out, which translates into great loyalty.

Also, as they have a very high open rate (because they contain important information for the recipient), they are often used to introduce small marketing actions: sales, cross-selling, or up-selling.


As you can see, Email Marketing goes much further than sending a Newsletter periodically: it is one more channel of communication with your users, to whom it also offers a more excellent user experience by making them feel special in each sending.

Now you know all the types of campaigns you can send, so it’s time to think about your strategy and how you will implement all these options to achieve your 2018 goals. And you know, any comment or question that arises, you can leave it below, and I will be happy to answer you immediately.

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